In August 2004, I randomly tuned in to the Olympic AA final and watched Paul Hamm come back from a fall on vault to win the Gold. That sparked my interest in men’s gymnastics.

In 2008, I saw a post on https://gymnasticscoaching.com/ pointing out that the men’s NCAA Championships were close to my home, so I went. After that, I was hooked on men’s NCAA gym.

I created this site to have fun, help myself learn, and hopefully provide something useful for others.

I’m from the USA and my fandom formed around USA guys, so that’s where most of my focus will be.

And now for some free advice from the Internet. If you see some old lady at a gym meet, do NOT ask her if her grandson is competing. I’m there as a fan!

Unless otherwise specified, photos were taken by me, are my own AI artwork and edited videos. I may throw in an occasional screencap.

Alec Yoder on PBars at USOPTC